30 Days of Gratefulness-Ramadan Part 13: Language

Euchee, along with TuvanAka and Seri, is one of the many small languages of the world. The Earth’s population of 7 billion people speaks 7,000 languages, however 78% speak the 85 largest languages. Thus while Russian is spoken by 144 million, Tuvan speakers in Russia number just 235,000.

Speaker of the Classics

Speaker of the Classics

Yet Tuvan seems robust relative to its frailest counterparts. Tofa, a neighbouring Siberian language, is down to 30 speakers. Languages such as Wintu, a native tongue of California or Amurdak an Aboriginal tongue from Australia’s Northern Territory, retain only a handful of fluent speakers. To think, only four fluent speakers of Euchee remain in Oklahoma…

The dialect of Hydra, Saronic Gulf, Greece

The dialect of Hydra, Saronic Gulf, Greece

If we are to face facts, language follows power. In the globalized and homogenized era that we increasingly survive within, languages that dominate world communication and commerce hop over geographical boundaries and geo-political borders, pushing small languages into extinction.

The 5 Daily Calls to Prayer, in Arabic

The 5 Daily Calls to Prayer, in Arabic

Currently 10 languages dominate the world scene, which means half of the world’s population speak the following:

  1. Chinese (all forms): 1.213 Billion
  2. Spanish: 329 Million
  3. English: 328 Million
  4. Arabic (all forms): 221 Million
  5. Hindi: 182 Million
  6. Bengali: 181 Million
  7. Portugese: 178 Million
  8. Russian: 144 Million
  9. Japanese: 122 Million
  10. German: 90 Million
Wet Markets, Farrer Park, Singapore

Wet Markets, Farrer Park, Singapore

What is most regretable about this crisis of language collapse is the ensuing loss we face in the transfer of traditional knowledge across generations – about medicinal plants, food cultivation, irrigation techniques, navigational systems, seasonal calendars, sociology, philosophy. You see, small languages provide insights into nature because their speakers live in proximity to the animals and plants around them; their talk provide for the explicit distinctions they observe, words reflecting these nuances precisely. For example, Eskimos who hunt on ice (such as the Siberian Yupik) have an incredibly detailed technical terminology for ice conditions, icebergs, ice thickness and movements. For Eskimo hunters, these things are a matter of life and death.

The Language of Parisian Buildings

The Language of Parisian Buildings

Each language stands with a proud perserverence; insisting it has still so much to say, till the last tongue speaks it. May they last and last.

A Spaniard, A Greek and Two Mexicans Residing in the UAE.

A Spaniard, A Greek and Two Mexicans Residing in the UAE.

About Alice

I run, I jump, I sing, I dance. Whether climbing trees, walls or stairs I do it at a clip. When out, my date is always Trusty Nikon (who never lets me down in the attire stakes; so smart in his black, with a pop of red!). Where does it lead, this love affair of mine? Well, its lead me to Dubai, via the matrimonial aisle, thanks to a gorgeous husband who whisked me from Coogee beach, Sydney into the Arabian Peninsula - to my new home, Dubai. I am a freelance writer and photographer and my wish is to snap away, to scribe and to share it all with you. Enjoy.
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