06-02-19 Kingsley: Purple Room

Wednesday 6th February 2019

Our big little guy goes on foot to Kindy. He can’t get out of bed easily (that comfy King size mattress ‘makes me want to stay in the bed’ he confesses). But Erroll get him to school on time and the little guy waits in the quadrangle for the kindy classes to be called.

All the kiddies are assigned their permanent classrooms today. He’s in Purple Room being taught by the lovely and popular Miss Pernousis. I have the feeling Miss Pernousis personally chose Linus for her 2019 Kindy cohort. After all they both speak Greek! Unfortunately his little mate Alex wasn’t assigned to Miss Pernousis’ tutelage.

We also find out Kingsley is the second tallest child at Coogee Public Kindy.