22-09-18 Twins: Day 3 just with Mama

Sunday 22nd September 2019

Its the twin’s day before turning 8 months of age. How did that actually happen? Those dark lonely nights just me and hungry mouths are over. Now I’ve the cheekiest, happiest, most content little babies who enjoy a sing-a-long and mama’s screechy voice.

We sang today: Adele’s Skyfall, Boney-M Sunny and Frank Sinatra’s Luck Be A Lady Tonight all while taking a tasty lunch of weetbix in warm milk. They enjoy eating all by themselves too! Chunks of sour dough. The mess drives me potty; so many crumbs.

Right now both are sleeping. They went down before 3pm after their second baths of the day. Used to the routine they are: a poo = a bath. A wee = a bird bath. I had Keanu in the bathroom sink and Elektra in her purple bumbo in the shower. Efficiencies.