20-06-20 Twins: Cousin Goldie’s 1st Bday

Saturday 20th June 2020

The babies are off to party for cousin Goldie’s 1st birthday. They’re both great! In fantastic moods, ready to get amongst the small intimate family crowd and eat cup cakes. Keanu surprises us all by eating two slices of σπανακόπιτα. Elektra has the sweet tooth opting for the pink cupcake though I did take a video of Keanu tasting for the very first time cupcake icing. He yelps in joy! Actually stands up, smiles and yelps! Elektra is another style of diner preferring to sit in the Ikea Antilope high chair to watch the proceeding and eat the sponge part of the cupcake in quiet contemplation.

Both babies pass out editing minutes of driving home.