10-09-20 Twins: Zip Line

Thursday 10th September 2020

Each time we approach the zip line Park on Dolphin Street the babies make poo I suspect from their excitement! Elektra is a lady refusing to do poo in her nappy waits till I remove her sopping one then squeezes one out. I of course am ready with the wet wipes and nappy bags. Keanu is another type of creature, needing a thorough wash with water and a dry off nappy free toddling about the park playing with his cars and throwing Jesse’s yellow bouncy ball about. We of course must return to him the ball then he chucks it again. Ad infinitum.

When Elektra becomes too fatigued from all the play and needs some comfort she reaches for a bottle. They’re always stored behind the pram in pockets and these days I don’t leave the house without 6 full of milk. She chooses one, flips off the kids and saunters about the park checking out her big brother rumble with the lads. Drinking milk while sauntering about is Elektra’s special super power.