28-12-20 Kingsley: Coming Home from Νονά

Monday 28th December 2020

A really special day for us at Casa Coogee with the babies greeting Kingsley home after he staying at Νονά Marlen’s place at Randwick the past 3 days. I’m overjoyed to have let him go! Two kids is a breeze compared to 3!i even napped every day while Linus was gone!

So well rested I am to welcome my first born home that its with great pleasure that at the same moment as Marlen Frank and Kingsley entering from the back Kavita and Jesse enter from the front. Its Christmas gift giving time again! The boys wrangle, eat icecream, bash each other, wrestle, drink chocolate milk and unwrap plenty of presents. Kingsley recieves the modern classic ‘The Boy, the mole the fox and the horse’ by Charlie Mackasey. Both recieve an assortment of stationary, play with it for a bit then wrestle some more till I kick the guests out and attempt to put the babies to nap while Kings reads his newest Dogman book.