31-07-20 Twins: Τασούλα Funeral

Friday 31st July 2020

We’re ready to get to Τασούλα’s Funeral a gloriously warm and sunny day to celebrate her life has been bestowed on us, we’re dressed finely, babies wearing Τασούλα’s grandchildren clothing, in the car and they fall asleep. They sleep soundly for over an hour to the sounds of Enya, Erroll obliged to drive about the East while they blessedly snore in their Sunday best.

In church I of course sit next to a celebrity! Mum I spot in a pew, having walked in a few minutes before I did, so I sidle in, notice the celebrity, and ask mum to swap places with me. I was determined to meet this woman. And so of course I make pleasantries with her introduce myself and she does as well. ‘Hi, I’m Mary and this is my husband George.’ ITS MARY COUSTAS! EFFIE!!!

Later on at the end of the service Erroll comes to church with the just woken babies dressed of course in outfits Kassandra gave them. Marlen carries one, I’m with Elektra and up we go to greet the grieving Αγγελική the best Νονά that she is, Kassandra and her own twins who are moved by the sight of Elektra & Keanu wearing their own outfits 21 years later.

Now its time to introduce Mary to the twins, and extend my gratitude for her willingness to write a book based upon her struggles to have a child of her own.