04-07-19 Twins: Artarmon

Thursday 4th July 2019

Unless Erroll is around the twins don’t come out together (not yet anyway). So it was a real treat to bring them to Aunty Mika’s place today driving in our car safe and secure. They love a drive these two (so opposite to Kingsley the same age) so the 30 minute commute is pleasant for us all. In fact Erroll and I actually chat!

Oma was in fine form entertaining her twins. Keanu a lamb quiet and smiling every now and again he is, though showed his whacky side by opening up his rosebud mouth to an ‘O’ with each funny face Oma made.

Elektra just smiles widely, genuinely, and with her almond shaped eyes tracks Oma wanting to be part of the fun. Keanu gets boob so Elektra gets a bottle. Us adults get walnut cake and tea.


