05-03-20 Twins: Pa-Paw & Granna Visit Coogee

Thursday 5th March 2020

So exciting to receive the children’s Granna and Pa-Paw here at Coogee for the first time, especially after their morning nap so everyone is in great moods!

At first Elektra won’t go into their arms but Keanu does! He snuggles into Granna as soon as they meet. The girl takes her sweet time getting to know her Pa-Paw and asvsoon as he gives her a beautiful sentimental pressie – an Italian silver bangle with her name inscribed – she turns on the megawatt smile completely ear to ear four teeth showing.

Grandparents get the treat of seeing Elektra in 3 costume changes.

Keanu is today’s animated one flapping arms and displaying his flexibility and yoga downward dog pose. He is chattering away and with no πιπίλα in his mouth lets us know all sorts especially when pointing with his little finger his beloved bird, light switches and faces in photos up on the walls.