25-08-19 Twins: Desi Visits

Sunday 25th August 2019

Absolute bedlam at home with Kingsley  Desi, the Alison Road boys Liam and Jake all running wild while these two are thrilled to bits with the attention but WON’T NAP.

As Keanu woke from his morning nap Desi happened to walk through the back door with Lisa. “Go jump in bed with him” I offer and usher the elated Desi in to a quietly waking child. Eyes light up: another child’s face! Keanu snuggles in for the next 5 hours of being held, hugged, fed, bathed, tossed about by Desi and the boys.

When Desi and all the kids depart all that remains is my three who are sleep deprived and manic. The twins have not napped and they’re delirious! The antidote is a trip to Woolies in the comfy Valco Snap DUO lined with soft lambs. These two are out in minutes…