09-06-18 Daddy Shark Daddy Shark

Saturday 9th June 2018

Up at 8:20am on this Saturday makes all three Hartleys very very happy. Kingsley I officially forgive you for those first 3 years you tormented me for boob any hour of the night. I forgive you for wrecking my sleep those dark years and contributing to my excessive collagen loss. For now you truly do sleep like an angel. Twelve hours straight!

And because we’re all in such high spirits this morning we give ourselves permission to sloth about the apartment, build rockets out of JiaJia Dora’s clothes pegs, watch back-to-back episodes of Paw Patrol then sing the Daddy Shark song (which is a hybrid of Baby Finger Baby Finger where are You and Baby Shark Do Do do-Do-DO) direct from Kingsley’s fast moving brain circuitry.

May God bless them both as the afternoon is handed to me on a PLATTER. Erroll does Kingsley’s bidding: a day at the pool. Which leaves me to do absolutely nothing…then rest afterwards. Bliss