30-04-17 Vārkiza

Sunday 30th April 2017

A letter written to Erroll today. ..

Dearest Erroll

A wee update from us. Well I am very happy to let you know a full month has past since the last time Linus had boob. He is without a doubt the best preschooler on earth. No crying or fussing or clinging. Now we sleep beautifully, peacefully and quickly with back scratches, rubs, story time and since finding out I’m preggo-the Lords Prayer every night.

11am on the bus to Vārkiza

Next update, as of last Thursday 8:15am we’ve not turned the television on. We now enforce a No TV Policy for Linus since I was called into Principal Miss Sophia’s office for ‘a chat about Dorøtheos’. She told me that he simply cannot concentrate in class. That he is defiant. That he literally wanders about and can’t sit still. That he won’t listen to his teacher Miss Ioānna nor execute instructions given by her or Miss Xristīna.

Saturday 29th on the bus to Glifătha

She asked what home life is like specifically our routine. I told her TV is on from the moment Kingsley wakes till the moment he shuts his eyes for sleep. Miss Sophia nodded and understood immediately: the telly is scrambling Kingsley’s neural pathways. It has to be cut out immediately and for good. Unplug the tv. Play games with him instead. Provide him with puzzles and drawings. Card games and book reading. Colour, classical children’s music, pencils, plasticine, dominoes. Never tv. Not for Kingsley.

Thursday 27th after school

So I did as the Principal strongly adviced. On Thursday after school Kingsley got all the above and do you know darling? He was the happiest, most settled and engaged I’ve seen him. No tv. He never once even asked for it. Fast forward to tonight – Sunday – tv remains unplugged. Kingsley continues on his path to calmness and concentration. He sleeps without the telly on and seems to have forgotten about it. He knows its there on the wall but doesn’t harp for it. Kind of like boob – he knows they’re there under my dress and he prods them with his stubby little fingers humming his old mantra ‘vizi VIZI’ but doesn’t whine for them.

Friday 29th after preschool chocolate milk

Love your Wife