26-01-20 Kingsley: Australia Day

Sunday 26th January 2020

You return home this arvo super bloody burnt. Crisp face! Lobster! All day with daddy at Australia Day celebrations at Maroubra Beach and I suspect daddy never reapplied the SPF.

I’m alarmed but calmly tell daddy to go find aloe Vera gel and slap it on the both of you after your shower. Shower of course is with me and Keanu. The bathroom you turn into a wet room, Keanu squealing with delight and wild big bro hosing the walls down.

To my absolute delight you and I are spending our evenings interlocked in our special bedtime routine. Each night we hop into bed and read. Tonight it was just you and I – so rare! – as I had successfully put Keanu to sleep in his cot.

One story book then one fairytale and sleep overpowered you. Till tomorrow!