09-06-17 Ahmad our Saudi Pal

Friday 9th June 2017

Its hot, its Ramadan, it’s Friday morning and the metro hasn’t yet started up. We’re staying in the neighbourhood today, visiting a friend who still resides in our previous address, and planning to swim all day long…

Ahmad has been in our lives for the past 9 years and was a great neighbour of ours for 6 of those while we lived in UP Tower. He’s still there though splits his time between Dubai and Riyadh. Saudi Arabia is his homeland but you just wouldn’t know it; during our visit to his apartment today we ate chocolate, Saudi peanut-butter filled dates and drank mug after mug of tea.

Kingsley was very chilled in Ahmad’s company. They high-fived each other at the door, Kingsley strolled in and made himself at home. Kiddie-TV was turned on which allowed us adults to chat. It wasn’t until a couple of hours into the visit Kingsley’s boredom showed: pulling out tissue after tissue from the box and scrunching each tissue up.

Time to head to the pool, let off that energy, swim without floaties…