01-12-18 Tilly’s Birthday

Saturday 1st December 2018

Not only is it cousin Tilly’s 2nd birthday party today, its daddy’s actual 40th! We celebrate everywhere and all day today. Especially exciting for you is taking the North Shore train over the harbour bridge and spotting…Luna Park. You get a bee in your bonnet; you must go see what this Luna Park is about and sure enough daddy promises to take you fir7 your birthday in his next day off.

This nebulous term is unsatisfactory for you so you pin him down for the date. And sure enough daddy’s next day off is on Thursday – 5 days from now. All day you talk about Luna Park. Even at Tilly’s birthday party (at which you were in a right rotten mood, but that’s another story).

In the evening we leave you with JiaJia Dora to watch bad Greek shows (till late we find out!). Its adults only time for us as we fine dine at Bondi Icebergs to celebrate daddy turning forty…