Kingsley: 4-2-14 Tours

Kingsley has had the love, affection and attention of his Jiajia Dora these past three weeks. Nothing is sweeter than to provide my mum a bonnie baby boy to tend to now that her husband of 49 years (and partner for 51), my dad Peter, has passed away.

Only nine weeks have elapsed since dad died at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospice, and eight since Kingsley was born. So to have mum here with us in Dubai; to relieve her somewhat of the desolation of losing her adoring husband; and to give her the opportunity to view life with renewed hope in the form of the birth of a baby, is restorative, for all of us.

Cured mum will never be of the true romance that resulted in a union that lasted half a century, however the innocent diversions of tours taken together as a family, three generations of Tzannetis’, here in Dubai, is healthful and remedial. Mum is looking great…

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