05-03-20 Kingsley: Pa-Paw & Granna Visit Coogee

Thursday 5th March 2020

My heart bursts from its cage this afternoon after school as Kingsley runs into the living room yells ‘I have missed you Pa-Paw!’ and hugs hum tight. Its been less than a year since they spent bonding time together in Tennessee his fifth visit to his Pa-Paw. Now today it’s their sixth holiday together. Just the start of this month in Australia and we’ll be making the most of it.

Granna immediately does Kingsley’s bidding ‘may I show you my room?’ he asks them. In go Pa-Paw and Granna grinning so pleased Kingsley tells me they’re helping him with maths and reading. Next of course is a board game Pa-Paw playing with his boy till they all leave to watch Linus at jiu-jitsu.