Kingsley: Buggy

While Kingsley’s Oma has been in town, we’ve had plenty of opportunities to use our all-terrain buggy. These days, well – ever since Kingsley turned eight months of age – taking the baby out in it is pure fun. No crying nor tantrum like before, when all he wanted was to be carried, quite the opposite actually! King now enjoys being ferried about like the Boss that he is: freedom from restraint, arms out, hands on the steering, a comfortable seat for his bum to sit on.

Sometimes though Kingsley has enough of the bright lights of the supermarket (who can blame him; grocery shopping is plain tedious for every child on earth), and we experience one of his meltdowns. Other times he is just plain exhausted from sitting and wants to be held.

But most times our son, seated in his padded throne, and harnessed in, is all smiles and charms each passerby…

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