33 Weeks: Heat Exhaustion

During a typical Dubai day in Autumn, local temperatures hover around 35°C (100 F) with humidity indexes reaching uncomfortable levels. Now having lived here for 5 years, and thoroughly loving such heat (after all in early 2012 I ran a half marathon here) I would regard my system as having acclimatized. So a day spent poolside with friends between the hours of 10:30AM and 3PM did not require much thought. So why, after a day in the sun, did I turn delirious and dizzy? Sleepy and parched? Nauseous and pale?

Mummy friends reunite: Sara & Cael (3 months), Camilla & Layla (9 months) and my Seahorse @ 33 weeks gestation

Mummy friends reunite: Sara & Cael (3 months), Camilla & Layla (9 months) and my Seahorse @ 33 weeks gestation

Silly me; its because I am pregnant. Those of us in this condition should take shelter and drink plenty of fluids, neither of which I did in those five hours in the sun. While there, poolside, I was none the wiser: swimming and splashing was swell; taking turns looking after my friends babies was a breeze, and sunning the Seahorse felt great. Every now and then I would all of a sudden feel overwhelmed with heat, so I would excuse myself from the conversation, and dip in the pool.

The instant I showered and began my train ride home it struck: heat exhaustion. My core temperature had risen, and, since I am supporting two bodies, it takes twice the energy to cool down both me and Seahorse. The result? I suffered heat exhaustion and boy did it feel lousy.

The Address Marina 083a

Mummy friends reunite: Sara & Cael (3 months), Camilla & Layla (9 months) and my Seahorse @ 33 weeks gestation

This is what I experienced: paleness, some muscle cramps, extreme fatigue/tiredness, weakness/lethargy, dizziness, headache and slight nausea. I was fortunate for my symptoms did not progress to those of heat stroke, which is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated.

Once home, in the cool darkened chamber of bed did I retire, gulping water and nibbling food for energy. Fast forward to today, the next day, I am a little sheepish and not that interested in taking my laps in our pool. Maybe I shall rest the Seahorse today, after all.



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