
Who informs my behaviours, reposes in my daily thoughts and provides me with a reference for determining right and wrong? My heroes & heroines of course.

Clever, beautiful, mindful, caring, determined, strong-willed, tenacious, witty, willing…the characters I meet in the now, those I read about from classical mythology, story-telling legends, philosophers, writers, doctors, photographers, fathers, fighters and Queens…

Greek Pantheon of Gods of Mount Olympus: f/10; Exposure 1/250sec; ISO-160

Greek Pantheon of Gods of Mount Olympus: f/10; Exposure 1/250sec; ISO-160

I invite you into this section to read about those identities whose own life resonate with mine and give me pause to determine how my own performance in the day to day can be improved, even if by a fraction. Now that’s a hero!


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