Kingsley: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

10th June 2014

We are forging ahead with the solids, Kingsley.

Breakfast today consisted of banana mashed with milk, eaten in bed (oh,  I can almost hear the tut-tuts from your Jiajia Dora…) with your father taking a video of the whole messy scene: me spoon feeding you, while you showed every sign that you want MORE.

Overjoyed at the new tastes: mango and banana. Mmm

Overjoyed at the new tastes: mango and banana. Mmm

At nursery today your nurse, Rona, no less than three times fed you baby rice cereal which you seemed to reject at first taste. Figuring that a flat out refusal to continue with the mash is due to how awfully bland this tastes, Rona cleverly mixed in some peach porridge. Viola! Three bowls licked clean.

6 months 029

At 6 months of age, Kingsley is relishing mango and banana as his first foods

Tonight – a brand new flavour for those sensitive taste buds: mango. Family friend Rio came round this evening, and you did not let her out of your sight. Rio is probably your first girl crush (all those coy smiles, and gushing gestures), and now the affection is even greater since she fed you mango. True love!

What a strong appetite you display, King. Five meals successfully down the hatch. Breakfast, three lunches and dinner done for the day, this your very first day of solids.

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